The ABC-collection is the careful selection over many years of continuous research into inspiring books (play)materials, themed packages, and visuals for all ages.

This extensive collection is the foundation of all ABC-projects; it is the heart of our operation. The themes are very diverse, they range from ‘land art’ and ‘shadow theater’ to ‘school architecture’ and ‘mythological monsters’. Art, culture and education are the main focus, but we also have numerous publications in our collection to unleash creativity and manual expression, playful cooking and body awareness, just to give but a few examples. It is also a valuable heritage collection that might be interesting in the function of scientific research.

The ABC-collection also consists of many multilingual children’s books, especially picture books. These include both very recent and older releases. Many of the ABC-books are unique, not only because of the content and striking visual design, but also literally: often found at flea markets, charity shops or vintage book shops, they are no longer commercially available. In recent years, we mainly do our research and orders through the web.

For an exhaustive list of topics:

Download ABC house – Book Collection

For those who would like to gain inspiration for their own project, the collection may be consulted by request. Copies can be made on the spot and we also loan kamishibai stories, books and materials under certain conditions.

We also organise active tours and thematic workshops to get to know or lose yourself in the collection. For this, one can enroll individually.